The dreamer, 295€

Two times fired ceramics. Numbered open edition. Various glazing options.

Height: 23 cm
Width: 23 cm
Depth: 12 cm

Price 295 €
Optional personalised carving +20 €
Shipping costs not included. For example standard shipping to Finland 25 €.

The statue is made to order. Approximate time to dispatch 3-4 wks.

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story of the dreamer

The Dreamer is a divine sleeper in between two worlds: light morning skies, and dark waters. But which one is the dream world and which is the reality?

In the Finnish mythology, the pike helps shamans to travel between worlds. It also brings dead souls to the underworld. The mighty wizard, Väinämöinen, had a music instrument called ‘kantele’ made of pike’s jaw as a source of spiritual wealth.

Animal: Pike
Strength: Imagination
Weakness: Delusion
Colour: Pink
Element: Air

Glazing option: White Glossy