the hider, 245€

Two times fired ceramics. Numbered open edition. Scroll down for various glazing options.

Height: 25 cm
Width: 15 cm
Depth: 15 cm

Price 245 €
Optional personalised carving +20 €

Shipping costs not included. For example standard shipping to Finland 25 €.

The statue is made to order. Approximate time to dispatch 3-4 wks.

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story of the hider

I miss winters in Finland – the snow, dark lights, bright stars and colours in the sky. In the everlasting winter night, ‘kaamos’, the silence and darkness are so thick you can wrap yourself in them like into a mother’s lap.

The Hider lives in this environment. She is a hermit and a protector embracing the quiet life and gentleness. Hiding can also lead to a point, where you aren’t able to go back to people anymore – even if you wanted to.

Animal: Rabbit
Strength: Sensitivity
Weakness: Isolation
Colour: White
Element: Snow

Glazing option: ‘Glossy White’